
Some byte sized thoughts.

  • 10/17/2024 9:35am

    One thing that Linux has over Windows is the software/applications app. Being able to find something in a marketplace for your computer is amazing. The Microsoft store if chock full of garbage that it unusable. Not that this is the only thing Linux has over Windows, but its a nice one that I think the general computer user would greatly benefit from.

  • 10/15/2024 12:29pm

    Lit’s album, Atomic, is probably my favorite album of all time. Not only did it get a featured track on one of the best movies ever, it’s songs have hit with me at all stages of my life.

  • 09/16/2024 3:46pm

    Want to know a trick for waking up in the morning? Drink a glass of water right when you wake up. It helps even more if you take it with a NoDoz.

  • 09/03/2024 4:41pm

    Finally got a Windows10 VM running on my Linux partition the way I want it to. I may be able to primarily switch to Linux from here on out. The few windows exclusive apps I use on Windows are now at my disposal.

  • 08/31/2024 11:09pm

    I wish Twitter didn’t take such a downturn. I really want to share my cool Codepen about how I used border images to create a torn paper look for some content. But now, nobody will see it there.Screenshot of website with torn paper borders.

    If you want to read more, I wrote a whole blog post about border images.

  • 08/09/2024 3:00pm

    Now that I’ve been working out for a bit. I’ve found it odd that, if I don’t workout, I feel like I haven’t earned the right to use my body.

  • 07/30/2024 3:09pm

    In the Tau it is the space between things that has value. Its not the walls of the house that has value, its the things and people inside it. Its not the spokes of a wheel that creates its value, its the space between that makes it a circle.

    Likewise with excerise and training, I’m building up these pillars so the spaces inbetween the workouts is where I will generate value.

    The days where I can spend the entire time chasing my daughter around the water park and still have energy afterward is what makes its great.

  • 07/30/2024 12:56pm

    Understanding negative Z-Index with CSS is such a game changer.

  • 07/23/2024 9:15pm

    I think one of things taken for granted in the current times is the ubiquity of gloves.

  • 07/05/2024 9:54am

    I swear most of the time im just trying to get my ducks in a row, but there are 8 ducks and two squirrels.

  • 06/28/2024 9:12am

    I feel like ynab really did us dirty when they went web based and charged a subscription. I just booted up ynab4 and side loaded the classic app and im more than happy with it.

  • 06/05/2024 1:00pm

    I found the coolest little app that brings the nook life into my work. This music plus the hourly chimes is enchanting.

  • 05/25/2024 1:05pm

    After a bunch of headache I finally got Steam to run games off my secondary hard drive. The problem was with how it was mounted in /etc/fstab here is my line to mount the drive now. If anyone has a comment to improve it please let me know. UUID=567EFBB57EFB8BCD /media/programs ntfs uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,user,nosuid,nodev,nofail,exec,umask=000,x-gvfs-show 0 0.

    I also installed steam via flatpak and needed to tell steam it could access the drives using flatseal

  • 05/24/2024 1:05pm

    Whenever I end up behind a motorcycle while driving I automatically designate myself as their rear guard.

  • 05/23/2024 3:39pm

    It takes a lot for me to leave daddy Microsoft but having an AI that screen watches me is the I-beam that does it. Linux time.

  • 05/22/2024 2:24pm

    One of my most favorite and also cringiest CSS tricks is stacking classes to override specificity: {...}