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I’ve always enjoyed reading columns on websites and articles in newspapers and magazines.

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Border Image

Border-image is one of those attributes that I rarely reach for because of how convoluted the syntax is.

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Transitions and Event Listeners

Transitions and Event Listeners TL;DR This event listener does exactly what it says.

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Box Model: Borders

And now we are at the final and my most favorite part of the box model, borders.

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Box Model: Padding and Margin

Margin and Padding are pretty much two sides of the same coin.

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Box Model: Content

Continuing my series of posts about the box model, we are going to explore the innermost box, the content-box.

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Box Model: Inline and Block Elements

When I originally started to write this blog post I was going to make one master post about each component that make up the box model.

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You're padding all wrong

I just recently found other padding and margin options besides the typical padding:0 0 0 0 and margin: 0 0 0 0.

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Dealing with Z-index

Z-index is something that normally you don’t have to worry about it until you do.

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Hyphens on the Web

TL;DR There is a set place for words to hyphenate and based on your set language in the HTML tag, the computer will insert hyphens where they belong.

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CSS Regions

TL;DR CSS regions let you set a chunk of content and define regions for it to flow into.

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Brief talk about Line Heights

Line height, you love it you need it. And according to WCAG 2 you need it to be 150% or more.

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Managing Offscreen Tables

What do you do when you have a table on your website and you need it to be viewable on mobile?

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CSS Inherit Property

The inherit property in CSS is a tricky one. One of my favorite ways to use it is to set box-sizing.

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Breaking the Wrapper

My Problem with Wrappers So I often have a container that that has a max width where most of my content resides.